var lang={"ajs_nofriends":"I am sure you have a lot of friends, but you have not added them here yet. ;o)","ajs_human":"Friend","ajs_nomyitems":"So far you have not added any items.","ajs_rmitem_title":"Delete item","ajs_rmitem_confirm":"Are you sure you want to remove this item from your list? I will remove it as soon as you confirm this message.","ajs_itemtype_else":"Other item","ajs_itm_delete":"Delete item","ajs_itm_edit":"Edit item","ajs_err_itm_name":"Please enter a label for your item.","ajs_err_itm_saving":"Error while saving","ajs_ei_btn_save":"Save item","ajs_ei_btn_cancel":"Cancel edit","ajs_ei_fld_name":"Label of your item","ajs_ei_fld_desc":"Description","ajs_req_hlnetwork":"Requests from your network","ajs_req_infoffrom":"Friend of","ajs_req_hlyours":"Your requests","ajs_req_infonone":"Currently, there are no requests. Everyone is happy. Your friends have everything they need.","ajs_req_btnedit":"Edit","ajs_req_btndel":"Delete","ajs_req_del_title":"Delete request","ajs_req_del_confirm":"Are you sure you want to delete your request \"{0}\"? I will remove it as soon as you confirm this message.","ajs_asave_short":"Please enter at least two characters as name of the new friend in your list.","ajs_asave_duplicate":"One of your friends already goes by this name. For me to know who you are referring to, I really need a unique name for every one of your friends. (This is actually how names work)","ajs_maa_title":"Add friend","ajs_maa_info":"Here you can add a friend. I only need to know what you want to call him\/her. I will then generate a link that you send to him\/her to confirm the friendship,","ajs_maa_lblname":"Name","ajs_maa_info1":"(Make sure you chose a name that you will remember in the future. This name is only for you. Nobody but you and me will ever see it.)","ajs_maa_cancel":"Cancel","ajs_maa_go":"Add friend","ajs_mea_title":"Friend","ajs_mea_lblname":"Name","ajs_mea_lbllink":"Invitation link","ajs_mea_infolink":"Send this link to your friend via your normal means of communication. If the person already has a Teilfreude account, your friendship will be added at once. Otherwise, registering an account only takes a few seconds as you well know. ;o)","ajs_mea_btnclose":"Close","ajs_mea_btnsave":"Save","ajs_mea_btndel":"Delete","ajs_mea_del_title":"Remove friend","ajs_mea_del_confirm":"Are you sure you want to remove your friend with the name {0}? I will do that without further ado if you confirm this.","ajs_mar_title":"Own request","ajs_mar_lbltype":"Request type","ajs_mar_typeneed":"I need","ajs_mar_typehave":"I have","ajs_mar_lbltitle":"Request title","ajs_mar_lbldesc":"Request description","ajs_mar_btnclose":"Close","ajs_mar_btnsave":"Save","ajs_mar_err_type":"Please choose a request type.","ajs_mar_err_title":"Please supply a longer title.","ajs_mar_err_desc":"Please supply a longer description","ajs_ms_title":"Settings","ajs_ms_info":"There is just very few settings to take care of. Teilfreude tries to make sure to fulfill it's job without much nonsense.","ajs_ms_depth":"Share levels","ajs_ms_d2title":"Friends of friends","ajs_ms_d2info":"I will gladly share my items with my friend's friends as well to maximize the sustainability.","ajs_ms_d1title":"Only friends","ajs_ms_d1info":"At the moment I only want to share my items with my direct friends.","ajs_ms_sb_title":"Security and notifications","ajs_ms_sbinfo":"To recover your password if necessary or to give you the possibility to receive certain notifications you can enter you email address here.","ajs_ms_notinfo":"Notification\u2026","ajs_ms_not1":"\u2026for new requests in my friend network","ajs_ms_not2":"\u2026onve a month to review my data","ajs_ms_not4":"\u2026for Teilfreude news (no ads!)","ajs_ms_btnclose":"Close","ajs_ms_btnsave":"Save","ajs_ms_mailunconf":"Your email address is not confirmed yet. You can do so via the confirmation link you received in your inbox.","ajs_ms_errdepth":"Please choose if you want to share your items only with your friends or also with their friends.","ajs_ms_mail":"Please supply a valid email address or leave the input field blank.","ajs_ms_success":"I will remember your settings.","ajs_ms_errdepth_init":"This is your first login - please choose if you want to share your items only with your friends or also with their friends.","Ich warte gerade noch auf eine andere Antwort vom Server. Wenn dieser Hinweis immer wieder kommt, kann auch ein Fehler aufgetreten sein. Dann lade bitte die Seite neu!":"I am still waiting for an answer from the server. If this notice repeats itself, there may well be a communication error with the server. In that case, please reload the page.","glbl_ajax_error":"There has been a server communication error. I am very sorry.","ajs_ei_btn_add":"Add","ajs_ms_hl_levels":"Share levels","ajs_ms_hl_secu":"Security & notifications","ajs_ms_hl_pass":"Psasword","ajs_ms_pass_ph0":"New password","ajs_ms_pass_info":"Your password has to include upper- and lowercase letters as well as a number and one special character. If this is new for you, let me be the first to tell you: welcome to the internet!","ajs_ms_pass_ph1":"Confirm new password","ajs_ms_pass_submit":"Save password","ajs_ms_msg_pass0":"Your password has to include upper- and lowercase letters as well as a number and one special character. If this is new for you, let me be the first to tell you: welcome to the internet!","ajs_ms_msg_pass1":"Your password and password confirmation are not identical.","ajs_ms_msg_succ":"Your password has successfully been changed.","ajs_ms_hl_lang":"Language","ajs_ms_lang_info":"Your favorite language:","ajs_ms_lang_succ0":"Successfully saved.","ajs_ms_lang_succ1":"Reload to apply changes","ajs_ms_hl_gdpr":"Your data \/ delete data","ajs_ms_export_hl":"Export your data","ajs_ms_export_cnt":"Here you can download and view all of your personal data that's saved on","ajs_ms_delete_hl":"Delete your data","ajs_ms_delete_cnt":"Click here to delete your account and all of your personal data on","ajs_req_typehave":"has","ajs_req_typeneed":"needs","ajs_raa_nofriends":"Currently, you do not have any friends who accepted your invitation and added items.","ajs_raa_search":"Filter\u2026","ajs_raa_friendof":"Friend of","ajs_mea_copied":"copied"};